On the first of September, Venus and Mars were meeting in the sky and they will be very close together until November, when they meet again.
Integrating the feminine and the masculine vital life force = universal love making love with life.
Awaken to your Abundance Blueprint
On the first of September, Venus and Mars were meeting in the sky and they will be very close together until November, when they meet again.
Integrating the feminine and the masculine vital life force = universal love making love with life.
The female situation has changed A LOT since the Second World War. Since the day women went out to work and made their own money, a new paradigm has been evolving. Having money often means more empowered choices. (At the same time as empowered choices is the creation of everything, including more money). When women could survive without a man, she started to act upon that freedom – more or less. Anything she put up with in the old name of ‘survival’ was possible to be re-evaluated.
Our previous generation has laid ground for a new living reality in the western world. We are now living in a time when women can be spiritually, financially and sexually free. This is changing the relationship with our Self and with the opposite sex.
The question is, why are still many women not living a thriving in life by choosing to embody the freedom to live spiritually, be financially and sexually free?
Last week my son got an ear infection for the first time. Here comes a sharing about the underlying pattern. The pain stopped right after I got conscious about the root cause and the conflict was resolved.
The family left Costa Rica last week for a summer in Sweden. As I wrote in the previous blog, I got off the plane in London to do something I’ve never done before – Tantric sessions.
Five days later I arrived in Sweden and met up with my parents and children. The children were very happy to see me. My youngest did not leave my lap, slept close to me, woke up, and continued to be in my lap. I received hug after hug. At midday, he began to complain about pain in the left ear. In that moment I knew that there was a conflict, which had to do with me. Normally, the conflict behind the ear infection either is ‘something one heard that one does not wish to hear’ or opposite ‘could not hear anyone/anything one wanted to hear’. There is also a program that gets triggered by something you hear in connection with a sexual conflict. Those areas of the brain are located just inside the area of coronary veins and coronary artery (sexual frustration or loss of territory with a sexual theme).
The first day of the rest of my life gave the most amazing omni-orgasmic experience.
I’m going to share the powerful process I been though the last three months. It’s very intimate, and it’s an awakening I wish for everybody.
Awakening the female sexual power came though with the solar and lunar eclipse late March/early April. I said YES and synchronicity guided me to a tantric teacher in London. I booked two sessions with him. Soon after I received two ‘warnings’ not to book the session. I know when I know that something is correct for me. A catalyst was needed and I had booked with the right man.
Every time I am about to do something that means a quantum leap, I get warned. So far I never listen to the warnings and experienced a quantum leap after quantum leap.
In the same time when I chose to allow my sensuality and started to open the sexual power – it was time for the father of my children and my life-paths to go different ways on a dharmic level. Life seems to have different plans for us. I thrive in Costa Rica and he likes to live in Sweden. Even though we broke up, I experience loving him more and had new yummy experience of making love due to the opening. It made me feel the step forward was difficult.
After a blueprint yoga training I found the power of the lung breath. Embodying the lung energy was a blissful experience. It also made me have an orgasm in the lung area of the yoni the same day. Fast and delicious feedback! During the yoga training I also discovered my core strength energy. I got energetically and physically strong in my step forward. I realize that I had projected my ability to love more onto him. In that moment I claimed my ability to love more as my strength – not as my weakness. I love him and always will.
I stepped out of the airplane in London and he continued to Sweden with our kids, where we will be for the summer holiday.
Sitting in the tube I got aware that London is a special place for me. I’ve activated my dharma here several times. January 2000 I moved to London and in a week the spiritual realm was revealed. Suddenly my awareness open to something that was totally dormant the first 20 years of my life. I understood what I had missed without knowing.
Also my core veil (root of separated ‘I’) got awoken in London back in 2009.
Now I am here to active my female sexuality. Since I booked the session the opening started.
During today’s tantric session my yoni opened as well as my body and energy system – far beyond expectation. Being present with a man who embodies divine masculine was the most healing experience I’ve ever had as a woman. I let his loving, present, safe masculine energy into the core of my being. He opened up my female ejaculation, which he calls yoni crying, in order to release stuck emotions that is also the root why it closed in the first place. The first one made my cry and laugh at the same time. I had six of them that each of them opened up the different chakras. The last one blew out my third eye, crown and activated all the glands in my brain.
Eventually, everything went still. He held me with love for one hour and tears of gratitude were present. He said what I got out normally takes many sessions. I came open, prepared and ready.
From the bottom of my heart and being, if you are a woman, then say yes to your female sexual power. It will change your life and many others. The process starts with your choice. That choice may bring up resistance from others. See that as normal and keep honoring your choice with an open heart.
Sisters, we live in a time where we can be spiritually, financially and sexually free. It’s time for a powerful, delicious and abundant life. The spiritual awakening changed my life. Being able to manifest abundance though doing the work I love changed my life. Claiming my female sexual power has changed my life.
You can choose it all.
Suddenly all my current clients, energetically, are asking for embodying their female power, sensuality and sexuality as well as opening the second charka – receiving the pleasure of abundance on all levels in the human life. The benefits are beyond sexual pleasure. The true pleasure is living intimately with life and supported of the whole life force energy (integrated masculine and feminine power), My womb has expanded and is now holding space for more women to experience the true power, abundance and glory of living intimately with the life force.
Apply for a free conversation if you are interested in an individual mentoring process to embody your true power. Write an email to me sharing your calling, intention, story (past and present), whether you have a business or not, relationship status and emotions around it, your relationship with sensuality and sexuality, health status and eventual health symptoms.
Send your application to susannebillander@gmail.com
With more love,
Susanne Billander
PS. The free conversations will be for you who are interested to commit to a mentoring process – if it feels right when we connect in the free conversation.
I have been teaching clients about conflict shocks and how they are the start of a dis-ease process for the last12 years. I had a strong experience of one and how they affect the mind and body, a few days ago.
A conflict shock is defined by a moment when you perceive something as:
It started with me noticing some different feeling in my body that I didn’t recognize. When I tuned in, I noticed they didn’t belong to me but to another person. Another awareness led to another and after asking a question directly to that person, I got the whole story.
This Friday I was invited to a Jewish celebration. The eco-village we live in is truly international. We represent 28 different nationalities and therefore different religions. The Jews are celebrating today that they became free years of slavery in Egypt.
In 2009, I read ‘Ringing Cedar’ books about Anastasia. In one of the books she shared a story about the slavery in Egypt. I’m not attached to whether this story is true, but the massage touched me deeply and it served as a catalyst to my choice living true FREEDOM.
One of the high priests sat and observed the slaves and studied if someone had a spark in their eyes. If he saw a spark, then he knew that the person planned his way to freedom by escaping. He was contemplating the dilemma – A slave has a longing for freedom and it required many guards to prevent escapes. It costs a lot to keep the guards, to give food and housing for the slaves. He had an idea and he shared it with the other high priests. If we drop all slaves free and give them money for their effort, then they will work better – without costing us more. We do not need guards, they become responsible for building their own houses and take care of cooking their own food.
The slaves were set free. The freedom lit up the eyes. They began to work faster and started to work together to become more efficient with the purpose to make more money. The money they earned was just enough to house and eating.
The priests created the illusion of freedom and it created faster construction results, but the fact is that the slaves were still slaves for their survival. Actually, their life in freedom didn’t change much. They still had to do the same job to get money for food and housing.
Work – J.O.B (Just over broke) is created to provide a salary so that people can pay for housing, food, car, clothes + a little more for some consumption, which causes the current economy go around.
I invite you to explore this weekend if you live the illusion of freedom or true freedom.
You can be a slave for:
Your children
Your partner
Your work
Your lifestyle
What others think and feel
Your desire to make money
Your spiritual quest
A religion
Your past or future
Your own or others’ feelings
Your health
The true freedom is the fact that we are free to choose in each moment.
Our reaction to a situation shows us in what way we are slaves to an illusion.
Victor Frankl and Nelson Mandela have shown us that although they were locked up in concentration camps or in prison, no one could deprive them of the freedom our Spirit is. The person who discovers true freedom becomes a role model in the world.
I have experienced miracles after signing on a legal document ‘The Act’s name, I Susanne Billander am guilty of quackery’. Some of you know about that process. If you don’t, then you can read it here.
Join my FREE webinar on Monday 6th April – How to become an abundant catalyst for transformation. Sign up here
Happy Easter!
Susanne Billander
One of the biggest shifts in my evolutionary journey, is to have changed the perception about “positive” and “negative” emotions. A few years ago I used to use the language of “letting go of negative emotions.” It meant, however, judging a feeling, which energetically traps it instead of releasing it. The approach itself creates the motivation to get rid of certain feelings, while providing nourishment to the pursuit of the feelings we deem as positive.
The most common emotions we call negative are shame, guilt, sadness, anger, hatred and fear. As I said, if we treat those as negative, then we trap them and that creates separation in the mind and lack in the physical dimension. [Read more…]
Happy New 2015!
In my perception, the New Year isn’t really starting until the end of January. Why? The universal energy of new start is present in the end of January. Right now the energies are still helping us to reflect up on the past and release old programs of trauma, pain and scarcity. Completion creates space and boosts your true seed with power to manifest your chosen abundant reality. Before you set your intention for 2015, take an honest look at 2014.
Personally, I love to look back and reflect upon:
As well as celebrating what we did create, it’s also a powerful time to reflect upon what intention we didn’t manifest.
It’s still more common that intentions aren’t manifested!
We have lived 14 years in the new millennia. People, who read an article like this one, know that we are the creators of our own reality. They know about the law of attraction – but still there are few who are powerful creators of the reality they are dreaming about. How come?
Many have that consciousness as an intellectual concept. It’s not embodied on a physical cellular level. There are still situations and traumas they haven’t taken responsibility for.
In my job as a multi-dimensional transformational guide, I’ve heard many stories. Let me give a few examples:
The underlying question is, ”Is it my fault, that somebody else did this to me? Did I create this accident? Am I the creator of this experience? How can I take responsibility for what somebody else did to me?
When you step in to 100% responsibility for the reaction toward the created reality, then you get access to your divine power. Being in contact with your power is a must for manifesting an abundant reality. It is also the key to vital health.
The responsibility can’t be taken on an intellectual level. It has to become embodied from knowing how and why you created the current reality.
When you choose to look you will always find the perfection!
When the light of consciousness reaches the core of the trauma, then it will awaken the awareness of the past choices you made, that now is creating the current limited reality.
If you need guidance to step into your power and manifest abundance, contact me. I am living in abundance. It wasn’t always my reality, but I learned how to guide people uniquely to their abundant living.
Let 2015 be the year where you step in to your divine power!
/Susanne Billander
PS. If you like to follow abundance life mastery tips + reports of how the universal weather is supporting our manifestation process, then “like” me on FaceBook. Click here.
Right now we are experiencing an exciting universal energy. This energy is all about intuition for the kind of behavior that leads to survival. Many people in the past have used this time for the purpose of hiding.
There are three levels of wealth and I see directly how they are linked to our health.
First level is the quality of the environment we live in.
If we live in a place and environment with rich soil, then we know we can survive by farming. From a personal experience, I know how it is to grow vegetables in poor soil. The result was that worms ate the potatoes for 3 years in a row. I got fed up! Neither my parents or my parents in-law had that experience, because they have always grown vegetable in good soil. I lost my desire to spend time gardening. However, I love eating home-grown vegetables. I’m now grateful for living in a place where I can enjoy it every day. As it grows here in LA Eco Villa all year around.
The first level of wealth is also about all the natural resources we have, from spring water to various minerals. The person, who bought the land where La Eco Villa is built, chose it for its spring water. No one can buy land above us, which means that nobody can use chemicals in the nature above us, which protects the groundwater.
It’s obvious how the first level of wealth affects our health. When we have and eat nutritious food, then it vitalizes the body. If we eat food with poor nutrients, then the body slowly dies. [Read more…]
Susanne Billander is a guide to abundance for transformational catalysts in different parts of the world. She helps dozens of transformational teachers/healers/coaches to remember their abundance blueprint and to design a business structure that's fully express their divine gifts. Susanne has a unique approach to the path of becoming a sacred tool for transformation. Choosing to live our divine abundance blueprint is healing ALL areas of our lives.