Last week my son got an ear infection for the first time. Here comes a sharing about the underlying pattern. The pain stopped right after I got conscious about the root cause and the conflict was resolved.
The family left Costa Rica last week for a summer in Sweden. As I wrote in the previous blog, I got off the plane in London to do something I’ve never done before – Tantric sessions.
Five days later I arrived in Sweden and met up with my parents and children. The children were very happy to see me. My youngest did not leave my lap, slept close to me, woke up, and continued to be in my lap. I received hug after hug. At midday, he began to complain about pain in the left ear. In that moment I knew that there was a conflict, which had to do with me. Normally, the conflict behind the ear infection either is ‘something one heard that one does not wish to hear’ or opposite ‘could not hear anyone/anything one wanted to hear’. There is also a program that gets triggered by something you hear in connection with a sexual conflict. Those areas of the brain are located just inside the area of coronary veins and coronary artery (sexual frustration or loss of territory with a sexual theme).