Recently, two Swedish therapists have been in the news. One was portrayed as a fraud in the biggest evening magazine and one was written off from the speaker list at the Pharmacy Conference.
I was once reported to the social board, yet far from being a negative event in my life, it became a magical experience.
I learnt about META-Medicine when I was 23 years old. I had already started to earn my living being a trainer and a therapist. The knowledge about the nature laws made every cell in my body vibrate. I started sharing about the underlying secrets to cancer, as naturaly as saying “spring water is good for the body .”
A little ‘blonde’ or blue-eyed one might think – but then I was young, blonde and blue-eyed!
One day I got a phone call from a reporter of a big magazine. She wondered if I was crazy. How could I write, on my website, that one can heal cancer by releasing underlying patterns? I explained my point of view, she became quiet and no article was written .
It became a eye opener though. I observed my choices of words on the website and changed some text. I had just become aware that there was a law about quackery.
These changes were sent to my webmaster. It was just before I gave birth to our first child. The infant time was intense and I did not even look at my website.
Three months later, two journalists called me and told that I had been reported to the social board for making claims about cancer patients. They said I could get a fine or up to one year in prison.
I shared my truth, but it was distorted in one of the newspapers.
I looked on my website and discovered that all the changes were made - except the one which had to do with cancer!
I laid down on the bed, with the intention to look into how I co-created this . How was it perfect right now?
Immediately, I saw the rebel in me, one who had been killed in a past life for sharing truth. I saw myself standing in front of a big mass of people. Heard myself thinking “I’ll be back! “, filled with pride. At that moment the rebel and pride got released. I became one with the current situation and saw me as my own reporter to the social board in order to become present with the rebel and release it.
I had to go to a police interrogation. I had the feeling that I was the police too. He said, ( just like the movies), “Anything you say can be used against you, would you like a lawyer to defend you? ” I replied that I had nothing to defend , but I can explain my point of view. We had a nice time together. He made sure that I would read his report and approve that I stood for what he wrote.
A week later he called me again and told me that I had to choose between being fined or go to trial. It turned out that the fine was €250. I said yes to it. It felt like a cheap therapy session in order to spot and release rebel! I went to the police and signed , in the name of law. I, Susanne Billander, am guilty for stating that cancer can be healed by releasing underlying trapped emotions, on the website.
A week later I got the letter, which was supposed to be information about how to make the payment of €250. It turned out that they had found a paragraph that made me not guilty!
It was a powerful experience. Even something signed, in the name of the law, can be changed! There is nobody, outside of ourselves , who can do something to us, that we already aren’t doing with in ourselves.
When alternative therapists become “vulnerable” for reporters, scandals … If they react, then there is always something within them that has been calling on their attention, a pattern that like to be set free and lead the person forward in their evolution.
Are you hold your healing abilities back because of fear to be judged, cursed, accused?
Again, there’s no one out there that can make you do something that you don’t do to your Self!
If it feels like other people have power over you, observe with curiosity and explore the reaction … discover the power to take 100 % responsibility for your reaction, to what’s happening in life.
I guided somebody , who was bullied in the school years. She got the awareness that she was bulling herself with thoughts like “I am meaningless, worthless, small…” even before somebody else bullied her. Powerful release!
You ARE a part of everything ! When that consciousness is embodied, then you have no resistance to any energy and you know one in all.
Power to you and your evolution!
/Susanne Billander
Author of META-health – Consciously healing your body and soul
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