Last week my aunt died. Three weeks after the first symptoms, she fell asleep the last time in this lifetime.
Like the birth of a child, also death is an emotional moment. It becomes apparent that the physical body leaves a void and that is filled with memories of the person.
The death creates intimacy with life. It invites us to reflect up on life. Do we live while being alive?
When I was 19 I worked at a bakery. We lived next door to the owners and I saw that year after year they gained weight , looked more and more stressed, a gray tone in their face became more and more evident. When I worked with them the woman started to talk about how much she missed travelling. The family used to travel a lot before they bought the bakery. Her focus was to start to travel again once they retired. Before they reached retirement the man had a stroke and became inable to travel or take care of himself.
Many live in a trap where this equation exists, “If I was going to be x , then y… ”
For example:
If only I could be free of pain, then I would start exercising …
If only I had money, then I would work part-time and start my business …
If only I could retire, then I would travel the world …
If only I could get rid of my illness , then I would live …
If only my partner was supporting me, so I would take the step to …
Something that helped me alot in life, was a conversation I had with a friend in London. I was 20 year old and it was just after the veils to the spiritual world had opened.
He had seen the movie ” The Perfect Storm “. At the end of the movie people was trown over board, were in the stormy wild sea, the waves are tens of meters high and they knew that death is near.
My friend asked me, “If you had a few minutes to live , what would come to your mind?”
For me it was clear to share how much my grandmother meant to me. I had already written a gratitude letter to my mom and dad, but I had not yet written one to my grandmother.
Then he proceeded to ask “What would you do if you had a month, a year , two years, three years, five years , 10 years”
These questions helped me to get perspective on my life values . At the age of 20, I wanted to travel to all corners of the world and at the same time I wanted to open a health spa in Sicily and educate myself.
I realized that the travelling was what I would focus on right up until I had more than 3 years to live – and I did.
After that I started to do course after course to train my skill to support transformation work, then I started my own business in order to do the work I am passionate about. I am not running a health spa, but I work with what I love and support health on all levels J
Please take a moment and ask yourself the question “What would I think / feel / do if I had a few minutes , a month, a year, three years , five years, 10 years … ?
If you have lived according to your core values then you will feel satisfied that you did everything that you wanted to do.
If you have not yet lived fully, then it will also become clear.
A new choice is always possible!
To life!
/Susanne Billander
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